About PSDF

Background and general information

Palestine for Development Foundation (PsDF) is a National non for profit Organization (Company), founded by Palestine Investment Fund (PIF) in 2014 as its Corporate Social Responsibility/ Investment CSR/I Arm.

PsDF aims to invest in human capital, by adopting relevant strategic goals to strengthen people’s skills and capacities and support them to fully participate in employment and social life, which will eventually generate a self-reliant Palestinian economy and entrepreneurship culture that are able to create and develop innovative, competitive and creative Palestinian communities. Moreover, PsDF aims at boosting this change through a knowledge-based economy, where intangible assets and intellectual capital are highly regarded, and thus the development of the Palestinian economy is ultimately based on innovation and knowledge.

Mission: and/ or objectives                                                             

  • Promote Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Promote MSMEs as a source of sustainable employment and income generation
  • Recognize PsDF as a national partner of choice in entrepreneurship innovation and sustainable development

Sectors covered/ areas of investments/ pillars/ and or investments

Targeting Youth between the age of 15-35 years and Knowledge Seekers in the following Sectors:

  • Economic Development
  • Social Development